
Translation of User Interface + Backoffice: so

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Effortlessly merge textures with identical names into a single texture to optimize performance. When you upload the textures with the same names on multiple materials, Zakeke automatically consolidates them, allowing the browser to download it just once. This optimization minimizes loading times and boosts overall performance, providing a faster and smoother 3D product experience for your customers. Effortlessly ku biiraan qaabab leh magacyo isku mid ah galay texture hal si ay tayeeyaan qaab. Marka aad ku dhejisid qaababka leh magacyo isku mid ah oo ku jira qalab badan, Zakeke si toos ah ayuu u bajinayaa, oo u oggolaanaya biraawsarka inuu soo dejisan karo hal mar oo keliya. Ayna Tani yaraynaysaa jeer loading iyo kor u qaadayaa waxqabadka guud, bixinta waayo-aragnimo ah si dhakhso ah oo siman wax soo saarka 3D macaamiisha aad. Details

Effortlessly merge textures with identical names into a single texture to optimize performance. When you upload the textures with the same names on multiple materials, Zakeke automatically consolidates them, allowing the browser to download it just once. This optimization minimizes loading times and boosts overall performance, providing a faster and smoother 3D product experience for your customers.

Effortlessly ku biiraan qaabab leh magacyo isku mid ah galay texture hal si ay tayeeyaan qaab. Marka aad ku dhejisid qaababka leh magacyo isku mid ah oo ku jira qalab badan, Zakeke si toos ah ayuu u bajinayaa, oo u oggolaanaya biraawsarka inuu soo dejisan karo hal mar oo keliya. Ayna Tani yaraynaysaa jeer loading iyo kor u qaadayaa waxqabadka guud, bixinta waayo-aragnimo ah si dhakhso ah oo siman wax soo saarka 3D macaamiisha aad.
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2023-09-08 15:42:01
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